Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Because I shouldn't have to suffer alone...

Because I shouldn't have to suffer alone...

"This was 15 years ago, in the mid-90's."
"Uh, 15 years ago it was 1999."
shrivels up with age, turns to dust and blows away

Friday, September 19, 2014

I'm planning on going to see Last Days in Vietnam on Saturday.

I'm planning on going to see Last Days in Vietnam on Saturday.  Either the 1:30 or 3:45 show.  If you're interested in going with, drop me a line.  I've heard good things about it.

Here's my new baby. It's official name is Distraction From Mortality. #wretchedconsumerism

Here's my new baby. It's official name is Distraction From Mortality.     #wretchedconsumerism

Monday, September 15, 2014

You know what makes for a great rehearsal?

You know what makes for a great rehearsal? A lengthy sherry-tasting session afterwards. You guys...I had a lot of sherry tonight...really good sherry. G'night.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Bikie Wars

Someday, I'm going to play Apocalypose World with Vincent Baker .  I know I'm going to play a Gunlugger but I figured it'd be kind of a generic heavy.  Then I saw this and now I've got a whole new angle on the character.  NOT TO BE FUCKED WITH indeed!

When the dice let you down...EAT THEM!

When the dice let you down...EAT THEM!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Heads up Invader Haywire and Harrison Ripps (among others).

Heads up Invader Haywire  and Harrison Ripps  (among others).

The Landmark Theatre in Kendall Sq. is showing midnight movies.  On Sept. 19/20th they're showing Ghost in the Shell -- Japanese with English Subtitles.

HijiNKS ENSUE - When I Say Pants, You Best Pants…

All Hail Nopantsistan!

So I purchased my cell phone when Bush Jr.

So I purchased my cell phone when Bush Jr. was president.  It's old and battered and doesn't hold a charge well and I feel like it's time to get a smartphone.

  In unrelated news, Apple just announced it's releasing a super-sized iPhone that will fit quite comfortably in my large, meaty hands.

  However, having a smartphone means I need a data plan of some sort if I hope to truly have the internet in my pants.  I have no idea what a reasonable data limit should be.  I believe I'd be fairly light on the bandwidth, but I might find more data intensive uses for my phone.  So how much data is on your plan?

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Dungeons & Dragons View-Master Reels: "Castle Venger" (1983)

Hey Epidiah Ravachol!  Your Sunday morning game just got prepped for you!

"Oh hello, Upper Body Strength, what have you been doing since I last set foot in a gym?"

"Oh hello, Upper Body Strength, what have you been doing since I last set foot in a gym?"
"Oh, you know, atrophying away."
"Ah, yeah, yeah, that'll happen."
"Say, did you want  to lift this weight above your head?"
"Kinda did, yeah."
"Hmmm...not feelin' it.  Maybe you've got something involving keyboards or repetitive jerking motions?"

Ah well, at least I should see lots of improvement.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Thursday, September 4, 2014

What your 1st-grade life says about the rest of it

So I'm strongly recommending On the Run by Alice Goffman.  Ms. Goffman spent years in a Philadelphia ghetto following the lives of several young men and how their legal woes impacted their lives and the lives of others.  It was a fascinating book and the methodology section at the back was almost as interesting as the work that it generated in front.  In the wake of Ferguson, it's a timely read.

On a related note, I found this pretty interesting... 