Saturday, September 26, 2015

Lin-Manuel Miranda Performs at the White House Poetry Jam: (8 of 8)

So I don't follow NY musicals all that closely, but last night a good friend alerted me to Hamilton -- the hip-hop musical about the Secretary of the Treasury.  This is from a few years ago when the playwright, Lin-Manuel Miranda was still working on it and here he does the opening number.

Lin-Manuel Miranda also did In the Heights of which I have a few songs.  I didn't realize that Lin-Manuel was also the author of that musical.

Folks -- Lin-Manuel is one of my favorite rap artists.  His stuff does everything I want rap to do -- fire off a compelling narrative while dazzling you with lyrical acrobatics.  It's seriously good stuff.

Friday, September 25, 2015

I remember getting AD&D books via interlibrary loan as a kid.

I remember getting AD&D books via interlibrary loan as a kid.

If you were in charge of a library, what would you add to your shelves?

h/t to Kendra Brown  for the pointer.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

So I got a chance to play an early prototype of this game a couple years ago.

So I got a chance to play an early prototype of this game a couple years ago.  I really enjoyed it and so I'm backing this.

The premise is that it's a reverse Settlers of Catan.  You play as one of the mighty spirits who inhabit an island being overrun with colonizing forces from far off lands.  You need to rally your people and use your magical powers to drive the invaders back into the sea.

Monday, September 21, 2015

I think this is going to be a really interesting film and I think people in my circles may find it relevant.

I think this is going to be a really interesting film and I think people in my circles may find it relevant.  It just screened at the Toronto Film Festival and I hope it makes its way to local theater's soon.

The synopsis:  Trio of girls who get bullied at school for looking like they might be lesbians drink the sap of a mysterious plant and gain the power to transform into boys. Uses fantasy premise to explore the intersection between teen drama and gender identity.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Invader Haywire This looks relevant to your interests...

Invader Haywire  This looks relevant to your interests...


And finally (or firstly, because of the way these posts are structured) here are some photos from around the B&B we stayed at in Colorado.  I should say that if you're planning a trip to CO and need a place to stay, Elk Run Bed and Breakfast ( is fantastic and has my highest recommendation.


Of all the things we did in Colorado, hiking around Elk Meadow Park was one of the most enjoyable.  Here are a few photos from that.


From our visit to the Red Rocks Amphitheater.  Some amazing geology out there..

More photos from my Colorado Trip.

More photos from my Colorado Trip.  These are from our drive to Mt. Evans.  On the way down, we stopped to see the ancient bristlecone pines.

I'm going to do a more detailed write-up soon(ish) (I hope!) about my trip to Colorado.

I'm going to do a more detailed write-up soon(ish) (I hope!) about my trip to Colorado.  For now, here are some of the pictures.

These are from Boulder and the Avery Brewing Company.

Monday, September 7, 2015

So I posted a few photos from my trip to the Worcester Art Museum yesterday.

So I posted a few photos from my trip to the Worcester Art Museum yesterday.  I wanted to take a second and highlight this particular item.

This is probably one of my favorite pieces of art in the whole world.  Certainly it's my favorite within the WAM and it's got a Monet among other things.

This is a statuette from Sumeria.  Not a lot of details as to who or what the statue represents.  The key bit is that it has been dated to somewhere between 3000 and 2500 BCE.  So when you look at this statue, you're looking at something that's at least 4500 years old and maybe up to 5000 years old.

It always gives me chills looking at this piece.  It's something as old as recorded human history and it's survived all this time.  Though all the great upheavals in human history, this statue has endured.  Not without a little damage, but it is still relatively intact.

And I always think about the person who carved the figure.  Probably just some guy working in/for a temple and they're making this little decorative figurine.  They might have expected their work to last quite a while, but I doubt they would've expected 5000 years.  They could never have conceived that not only would it last 5000 years, but it would outlast the fall of their civilization and most of the civilizations that succeeded it.  They couldn't imagine that their work would be picked up and carried over an ocean they might not have known about to a whole other continent they didn't know about at all to be put on display to be seen by a range of people who may as well be space aliens.

It was just a simple decorative piece of sculpture but it's now an arrow from the distant past.  I can't help but feel a little jealous of that unknown artist because I can't imagine anything I've ever made or will make surviving that long.  It's a time capsule and a meditation on impermanence all at once.

And that's why it's probably my favorite piece of art in the world.

Saturday, September 5, 2015