Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Leah Bloom, Joanne McLernon

Leah Bloom, Joanne McLernon

Ad Hoc Book Club

I don't know how we'll summon the troops after G+ goes. Here's a collection of best books from the AV Club. Of the titles mentioned I'm most interested in:

The Gone World
My Year of Rest and Relaxation
The Best Bad Things

Of these, I'm super interested in Best Bad Things. Let me know if there's interest in doing another ad hoc.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Download your Google+ data - Google+ Help

In my previous post I asked how to archive your G+ posts.

The sarcastic answer would be: "Google it, dummy".

This dummy googled it. I haven't tried this yet, but it's probably a good place to start:

I am slightly amused that I'm getting software updates to the G+ app on my iPad.

I am slightly amused that I'm getting software updates to the G+ app on my iPad.

On a slightly related note -- are there any slick methods to archive your G+ posts?

Monday, October 29, 2018

Come See My Show!

Come See My Show!

As many of you may already know, I'm directing a show for Theatre@First in Somerville. The show is called She Kills Monsters and it's about a young woman named Agnes coming to terms with the loss of her younger sister Tilly by playing a D&D module Tilly left behind.

We've got monsters and fights and magic and romance and laughter and tears and a little family bonding. The show is a love letter to those of you who played D&D as a teen-ager. It's also a show that celebrates the people who love this hobby even when they don't fit the typical geek mold. We have an amazing set of cast and crew who have pulled out all the stops to bring you the greatest theatrical spectacular community theatre can muster. I could not be more delighted with how it's all coming together and I hope lots of you come to see, enjoy, and appreciate all the hard work that's gone into it.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Tomes of Terror: Campfire Tales Deluxe Edition


Two years ago, I was one of the Festival Directors for Tomes of Terror: Campfire Tales. This was the PMRP Halloween Radio show for that year.

We had an anthology of horror stories based around urban legends told by some campers trying to get through a very long night in the woods. The show was a lot of fun and very well received.

PMRP has started a Kickstarter to fund a deluxe digital/CD recording of the show. Cool artwork and postcards for the shows will be added in among other stuff. They've got a modest funding goal and they have all the recordings and should be able to get the final result out on time.

Anyway, check it out -- the show was a lot of fun to do and there are some genuinely spooky stories in there.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Next-Gen Baggies Are Transforming Legal Weed

Even if you don't care/oppose weed, you might find this article interesting. Keeping weed out of the hands of children is driving a lot of interesting packaging choices and about 2/3rds of the way down in the article it talks about how packaging for weed has been influenced by and is influencing packaging for prescription medication and the like. I was especially interested in the researchers who are testing kids to see how long it takes them to get into pill bottles and some novel techniques they're trying to make that harder/less likely.

Friday, August 17, 2018

I saw the best description of bitcoin/cryptocurrencies today:

I saw the best description of bitcoin/cryptocurrencies today:

"Imagine if keeping your car idling 24/7 produced solved sudokus you could trade for heroin."

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Ad Hoc Bookclub

Ad Hoc Bookclub

Is anyone aside from Joanne McLernon still working on Overstory?

Monday, July 2, 2018

I really enjoyed Steve Reich's Clapping Music and I'm a little surprised I didn't dig into his music a bit more.

I really enjoyed Steve Reich's Clapping Music and I'm a little surprised I didn't dig into his music a bit more. Today brought this discovery. Some lovely background music while working today.

Friday, June 15, 2018

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Oh man, I just got through seeing How to Talk to Girls at Parties at the Brattle Theatre.

Oh man, I just got through seeing How to Talk to Girls at Parties at the Brattle Theatre. In a year of really good movies, this is the best one I've seen so far. It's playing through Wednesday night so if you've got some free time, go check it out. Otherwise, keep a lookout for this flick and catch it when you can.

GLOW: Season 2 | Main Trailer [HD] | Netflix

Comes out June 29th've got about 2 weeks to get caught up on Season One if you haven't seen it yet (and it's a fantastic show).

Monday, June 11, 2018

So I went to Kendall Sq. to catch Won't You Be My Neighbor the Mr. Rogers biopic.

So I went to Kendall Sq. to catch Won't You Be My Neighbor the Mr. Rogers biopic.

I'm afraid the Landmark Theatre has a significant problem. You might know that there's a massive piece of construction going on right outside/around the theatre. Helpful Hint -- the entrance to the parking garage is where you usually come out, stay to the left and get a ticket.

But I think the dust and grit from the construction is messing with the theatre's HVAC system. I could barely watch the movie because every few minutes some piece of dust would get in my eyes and I'd have to wipe it out. Was tempted to ask for a refund.

Seriously though, the movie is great bring a hanky...bring two.

Monday, June 4, 2018

I know there's often a lot of subtle pressure to create memorable birthday parties and one-up the other parents but...

I know there's often a lot of subtle pressure to create memorable birthday parties and one-up the other parents but dang. Also, if anyone gets this for me, skip the party, I want the plane to do parabolic arcs so I can go into freefall. Now that's a birthday experience.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Monday, May 21, 2018

Ad-hoc book club

Ad-hoc book club

So in the first 10-15% of the book they introduce a logic puzzle and then only obliquely refer to the solution. When that drives you crazy with curiosity, go look up Wason Selection Task (but don't do it until then).

Attention Jennifer Koerber!

Attention Jennifer Koerber!

Let's have complicated feels about this together:

The Overstory: A Novel - Kindle edition by Richard Powers. Literature & Fiction Kindle eBooks @

Ad-hoc Book Club

I don't know as we've officially announced it but Leah Bloom is getting (has gotten?) her copy of Overstory by Richard Powers, a novel about trees and their interactions with people. It's our next ad-hoc book club novel so feel free to run out and pick it up. We'll discuss in the latter part of June.

I've started reading and it's pretty good. I just came across my favorite passage in the book so far. It's a description of a family vacation road trip across the county in the late 60's.

"They forget to pack books. Two thousand miles with nothing to read. The two older girls stare at their little sister for dozens of Nebraska miles until Amelia breaks down and cries. It passes the time."

Fond memories...

Monday, May 14, 2018

If you're looking for some solid sci-fi to read this summer, might I heartily recommend Medusa Uploaded by Emily...

If you're looking for some solid sci-fi to read this summer, might I heartily recommend Medusa Uploaded by Emily Davenport. It was a solid concept well-executed and I really enjoyed it.

Monday, May 7, 2018


Attention LARP-Friends!

Surely within my social circles I/we know someone with a huge stockpile of good-looking boffer weapons that I might be able to make use of for a theatre production I'm directing this Fall. The show is about D&D and thus there's a lot of heroes and monsters who need some weapons. They can be a little cartoon-y, fantasy-esque but should look more like weapons than foam-covered pvc pipes.

If you, or someone you know might be able to help out, please get in touch with me. Thanks.

Friday, April 13, 2018


Today I Regret Clicking On:

So Taylor Swift has just released a cover of September by Earth, Wind, and Fire.

It is...not good.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

By his own admission his singing isn't fantastic, but it's good enough and now you've got a catchy ditty whenever...

By his own admission his singing isn't fantastic, but it's good enough and now you've got a catchy ditty whenever your players ask "what kind of weapons does this shop have?".

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Coyote Plays With Cat

Let's get down to business to defeat the Road Runner...

So this is coming out June 8th.

So this is coming out June 8th. I'll go see it, but I'll sit in composed silence and will absolutely not be blubbering like a baby all the way through.

Monday, March 5, 2018

There's an iOS port of the old boardgame Tailsman by Games Workshop.

There's an iOS port of the old boardgame Tailsman by Games Workshop. Recently, they just announced a "lite" version you can download for free. It's a mostly complete game, but you can get more characters/board tiles/etc. with various downloadable content.

It'd been ages since I'd played Talisman and a tablet version seemed interesting so I picked it up and ran a simple test game.

I had forgotten how interminable this game is. The idea is to adventure around a board until you get beefy enough to force your way into the center area of the board, grab the crown of command and then use it to slowly kill off your opponents before they can reach the center and just fight you directly for it.

The problem is that the crown of command is only 50-50 to actually knock off a hit point on your turn. So you had a situation where I'm at the center, the only other AI opponent is on the outer track (and not nearly strong enough to make into the center and then beat me in a straight up fight). So on his turn he'd always try and get to various squares where he could trade gold for hit points (and then try to scoop up more gold when not getting healed). In the end I won but it was a foregone conclusion for the most part.

Nostalgia itch fully scratched and I won't be picking this up.

Friday, February 23, 2018

Janelle MonĂ¡e – Make Me Feel [Official Music Video]

Here's the other new Janelle Monae music video. The comments section is declaring this the "Bisexual Anthem" and they're got a strong argument.

Rather a bit more NSFW than the other video so be warned...but also be sure and give this a listen. Ericka Crouse -- the other discreet office jam for you.


OK! Janelle Monae, one of my favorite artists is releasing a new album this year. She just released the first two music videos for the new record DAMN! This first one might just be the music video of the year.

Mildly NSFW but oh so worth it. Ericka Crouse your discreet office jams for the day have arrived.

Friday, February 2, 2018

These days it's a bit of a joke about J.

These days it's a bit of a joke about J. Edgar Hoover's private proclivities, but he also helmed a secret police that spied on US citizens and attacked anyone he considered anti-American (including Martin Luther King, Jr.). Even today, you might remember the FBI operation that took down a terrorist attack -- that was largely instigated and encouraged by the FBI.

Anyway, the reason we know the FBI under Hoover wasn't quite a bastion of justice is due to the Church Committee which investigated the nefarious activities of a number of US intelligence agencies. What sparked that was the theft of over 1000 classified FBI files from their offices in Media, PA. The perpetrators sent the files to a number of newspaper outlets and then vanished. The FBI never caught any of the members of the "Citizens' Commission to Investigate the FBI" who organized the break-in (as an aside, group names in the 70's were awesome). Only in recent years have they broken their silence. One member, Judi Feingold, stayed on the run for decades and has only recently come in from the cold. Her story is fascinating -- especially considering she was just 19 when she helped with the break-in.

Jason Morningstar -- perhaps fodder for more WHITEHORN material if you haven't seen all this already.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

A little over a month ago I got an MRI to figure out what was wrong with my back.

A little over a month ago I got an MRI to figure out what was wrong with my back. Turns out it was a slipped disc but also...

"...when we were reading the results of your MRI, we noticed that your spleen was bigger than normal"

To which I thought, "Lady, have you seen me? Everything is bigger than normal on me."

"This usually isn't a big deal, but we'd like you to get an ultrasound of your abdomen to confirm what the MRI is showing."

I looked it up and it's true, an enlarged spleen isn't usually a sign of anything bad, certainly not on its own. Since the back was the more pressing issue, I put off the ultrasound until yesterday.

"Well, your spleen has this little extra lump of tissue but that's not a problem, some people have that and some don't and it's not a big deal. Your spleen is a bit larger than normal, but given how tall you are that's probably fine too."

So all that rigmarole to tell me what I already knew and they couldn't even tell me it's gender. (I mean, I'm assuming male, but it'd be nice to have confirmation).

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

So I blazed through the last quarter of Gnomon by Nick Harkaway.

So I blazed through the last quarter of Gnomon by Nick Harkaway. This may very well be my favorite book of the year. Certainly every other book in 2018 has a stupefyingly high bar to clear if they want to take the prize. Here's hoping I find a couple of them.

Anyway, go read Gnomon, it's great.

Monday, January 29, 2018

Last year I was listening to The Butterfly Effect with Jon Ronson podcast.

Last year I was listening to The Butterfly Effect with Jon Ronson podcast. This first season looks at how the rise of free on-line porn has up-ended the porn industry. One of the side effects of this disruption is that a number of people are doing "custom porns" -- you send in a basic scenario, they film it for you. Not only is it a source of revenue for porn businesses that see most of their work pirated almost immediately, it tends to be rather quirky because these fetishes can be very specific and aren't generally produced.

Anyway, I bring this up because they just released a short bonus episode where they talk with Mike from Ohio. Mike has one of the most sweet and wonderful fetishes I've ever heard about and the custom porn he commissioned must have been delightful to work on. It's also a case study in how fetishes form and how even the most stringent methods parents use to protect their kids from knowing about sex can backfire. The whole series is pretty good but this five minute bonus episode might be the best piece of the lot.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Tuesday, January 23, 2018


So I'm 2/3rds of the way into Gnomon by Nick Harkaway and it continues to be outstanding. Jere Genest, I think you'll really love this one. Here's a sample quote, and the book is full of great lines like this:

"Poetry is a shotgun aimed at our shared experience, hoping to hit enough of the target that we all infer a great bulk of information conveyed as implication and metaphor in an approximately similar way. Making a unity between poet and reader.”

and this one, which is less lofty, but which I rather like:

“I’ll take that one,” she says, pointing, and at the same time picks up some light paper, a box of soft pencils and a hard steel clipboard debossed with the head of Oliver Cromwell on a spike. The sales assistant is very keen to sell her a lucite one instead, but the Mohs scale of hardness awards acrylic glass no more than a four, as against steel’s five or six, so the Inspector demurs, wishing the shop’s inventory stretched to products in tungsten carbide."

Monday, January 22, 2018

Do I know folks who are going to Dreamation this year?

Do I know folks who are going to Dreamation this year?

I think the usual suspects Emily Care Boss, Julia Ellingboe, and Meguey Baker(?) are doing Intercon (curse their dueling schedules!).

Friday, January 19, 2018

Emily Care Boss among others -- agroforestry!

Emily Care Boss among others -- agroforestry!

Drought in the Andes is a perennial issue and heavily contributed to the cyclical rise and fall of various empires...

Drought in the Andes is a perennial issue and heavily contributed to the cyclical rise and fall of various empires in the region. Many of them used various engineering projects to keep water flowing. In the current era of global warming, a number of these old projects are being restored:

Thursday, January 11, 2018

OK, so I'm only 10% of the way in , but I'm enjoying the hell out of Gnomon by Nick Harkaway.

OK, so I'm only 10% of the way in , but I'm enjoying the hell out of Gnomon by Nick Harkaway. I'm a fan of his work in general, but after the slightly flat Tigerman, I was getting a bit worried.

My fears were unfounded, this book is great. I mean, sure, still lots of pages for him to screw up on, but I'm betting this one will hold to the end. This is my not-unsubtle pitch to get other people to check it out so we can babble about it at some point in the future.

Friday, January 5, 2018

Charlie Stross looks at the future of AI through the lens of history and discusses the "slow AIs" all around us.

Charlie Stross looks at the future of AI through the lens of history and discusses the "slow AIs" all around us. It's a long but interesting, if sobering, talk.

Thai penis whitening trend raises eyebrows

In Thailand, you can get your penis whitened. They use a laser to break up the melanin in your skin. It's a relatively new offering which was partially inspired by their vagina whitening process. Because of course there's a vagina whitening process. Anyway, the whole article is fascinating/depressing all at once.