Wednesday, March 28, 2018

By his own admission his singing isn't fantastic, but it's good enough and now you've got a catchy ditty whenever...

By his own admission his singing isn't fantastic, but it's good enough and now you've got a catchy ditty whenever your players ask "what kind of weapons does this shop have?".

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Coyote Plays With Cat

Let's get down to business to defeat the Road Runner...

So this is coming out June 8th.

So this is coming out June 8th. I'll go see it, but I'll sit in composed silence and will absolutely not be blubbering like a baby all the way through.

Monday, March 5, 2018

There's an iOS port of the old boardgame Tailsman by Games Workshop.

There's an iOS port of the old boardgame Tailsman by Games Workshop. Recently, they just announced a "lite" version you can download for free. It's a mostly complete game, but you can get more characters/board tiles/etc. with various downloadable content.

It'd been ages since I'd played Talisman and a tablet version seemed interesting so I picked it up and ran a simple test game.

I had forgotten how interminable this game is. The idea is to adventure around a board until you get beefy enough to force your way into the center area of the board, grab the crown of command and then use it to slowly kill off your opponents before they can reach the center and just fight you directly for it.

The problem is that the crown of command is only 50-50 to actually knock off a hit point on your turn. So you had a situation where I'm at the center, the only other AI opponent is on the outer track (and not nearly strong enough to make into the center and then beat me in a straight up fight). So on his turn he'd always try and get to various squares where he could trade gold for hit points (and then try to scoop up more gold when not getting healed). In the end I won but it was a foregone conclusion for the most part.

Nostalgia itch fully scratched and I won't be picking this up.