Thursday, February 28, 2019

The Atlantic

Next year, in 2020, I'm planning on running a short Cyberpunk 2020 campaign because...why not. Now, comparing the game world to our real one, it would seem like we've got all the dark, corporate dystopia with none of the cool toys.'s a brand new way to get a bit closer to cyberpsychosis:

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Leah Bloom, Joanne McLernon

Leah Bloom, Joanne McLernon

Ad Hoc Book Club

I don't know how we'll summon the troops after G+ goes. Here's a collection of best books from the AV Club. Of the titles mentioned I'm most interested in:

The Gone World
My Year of Rest and Relaxation
The Best Bad Things

Of these, I'm super interested in Best Bad Things. Let me know if there's interest in doing another ad hoc.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Download your Google+ data - Google+ Help

In my previous post I asked how to archive your G+ posts.

The sarcastic answer would be: "Google it, dummy".

This dummy googled it. I haven't tried this yet, but it's probably a good place to start:

I am slightly amused that I'm getting software updates to the G+ app on my iPad.

I am slightly amused that I'm getting software updates to the G+ app on my iPad.

On a slightly related note -- are there any slick methods to archive your G+ posts?