Sunday, April 30, 2017

For those of you with kids or a human heart.

For those of you with kids or a human heart.

Originally shared by MZ MegaZone

Ghibli Fest! Six movies spread over six months at theaters this summer:

Monday, April 10, 2017

Monday Media Dump!

Monday Media Dump!

Edgar Wright decided he wanted to do a Fast and Furious movie so...

Coming in late June I believe:

Monday Media Dump!

Monday Media Dump!

Open TV is a streaming video service focused on producing content for QUILTBAG and POCs. They've got a webseries called Brujos about 4 gay, Latino witches. Looks interesting and the show (and the service) may be of interest to some of my circles:

Monday Media Dump!

Monday Media Dump!

Eight minutes of high weirdness. It's tough to be the king.

Monday Media Dump!

Monday Media Dump!

OK, it's a commercial,'s adorbs

Joanne McLernon you should recognize Dipper.

Friday, April 7, 2017


Just a followup from the other day:

After years of on-again, off-again fighting, Nopantzistan and Noshirtzistan realized they had more in common with each other than with their surrounding neighbors. After a couple decades of careful diplomacy, a Reconciliation Council was formed and eventually the countries united to form Greater Nudenstan.

So a happy ending all round.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Only some of you will get this:

Only some of you will get this:

I want a miniatures line of soldiers (I'm thinking in the style of 17th to early 19th Century European??). One faction has no pants while the other has no shirts.

Thus, I can refight the numerous wars between Nopantzistan and Noshirtzistan. They mostly fought over the Waistland border region. Though both did send contingents to the Spanish-Austrailian War.

'Banksy of punctuation' puts full stop to bad grammar in Bristol | Education | The Guardian

He's not the hero we need. But he's almost certainly the hero we deserve: