Monday, May 4, 2015

Where would I find boxes that are like 24"X36"? I've got some framed stuff I need to pack away/move.

Where would I find boxes that are like 24"X36"?  I've got some framed stuff I need to pack away/move.

EDITED TO ADD:  U-Haul sells Mirror Boxes that should be the right size for my stuff.  There's a store in Hudson so I should pick them up there.


  1. My go to spots for boxes are the UHaul store and Home Depot, but I don't know their sizes of hand. You can always check appliance store for larger boxes. Large and flat boxes are tough, though u haul does have some.

  2. Bubble wrap + frame corners are another common solution for large framed things.  We also fit some of ours in one of the bigger sizes of plastic tote.
