Tuesday, December 1, 2015

The Discreet Hero: A Novel - Kindle edition by Mario Vargas Llosa, Edith Grossman.

Hey there!

So Leah Bloom and I are going to read The Discreet Hero by Mario Varaas Llosa as a sort of ad hoc book club. No regular meetings or anything, but we just think it'd be fun to read a book and then turn around and talk to someone else about it who has also read the book (and recently to boot).

So if you want to play along, feel free to snag a copy (I've linked to Amazon below, but you can probably get it at your favorite local bookshop as well). Leah expects her copy to arrive on the 8th or thereabouts so that's when we'll get started. Again, the timeframe is pretty loose. If you finish up by New Year's that's probably more than fine.



  1. I shall try to play along at home, since it will get me reading over the holidays and that's a good thing. Any reason you picked this particular book?

  2. Joanne McLernon It was on the Washington Post's Notable Books of 2015.  There was a huge list and we each picked a few and this was one that we were both interested in.
