Thursday, January 28, 2016

If you can see this then you're in a special circle.

If you can see this then you're in a special circle.

Last August, I went on a week-long trip to Colorado. I went hiking and toured Red Rocks and did lots of fun stuff.

I also took full advantage of legalized weed.

So the reason you're in this circle is because I figure you might be interested in seeing my full write-up about the trip (both stoned and non-stoned) and you'll be discreet about it as well. I know, I know, it's weed, no one cares, but until it's fully legal here in MA, I don't want to be the idiot posting public pictures of himself doing monster bong rips to facebook.

If you're interested in reading up on my weed vacation, drop me a PM and I'll send you the PDF.

The short version of the write-up? I had a fantastic time, I would absolutely go do it again.

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