Saturday, January 9, 2016

Whelp, today I just put down some money for tattoo design work.

Whelp, today I just put down some money for tattoo design work.

Actual tattooing won't happen for quite some time yet (because of the whole blood thinners thing), but I've been noodling this for years and it's finally time to get that back piece done.

When that needle digs in and I remember why I hate this so much, I'll blame Jess M. :)


  1. Whereas I have a very different relationship with that sensation...

  2. I actually had to safeword a conversation about a 9 year old getting ears pierced today. And yet, have no problem with doctor-needles at all. But I knew it was time when I felt myself getting lightheaded. No idea why, though, at some level. I've never had a traumatic needle experience. But descriptions of piercings make me lightheaded and feel like I'm going to pass out if they don't stop. (Descriptions of tattoos don't, but that is what your post made me think of. Since I'm pretty sure I'm never getting either!)

  3. Marta S. Rivera Monclova I promise I'll only show you the end results and not make you watch the process.  :)
